Pastor’s Weekly Message 8-25-19

Dear Friends of Carmel Mission,
We all like to speculate about certain aspects of our faith that remain unknown or that have not yet been revealed.
Human nature is very consistent and we seem to be attracted to mystery. In today’s Gospel, someone asked Jesus the question:
“Lord, will only a few people be saved?”
Did you ever wonder about the answer to that question?
If we examine the response of Jesus, He does not say “Yes, unfortunately, only a few will be saved”. Rather, he tells those listening to Him:
“Strive to enter through the narrow gate…”
Whenever I read or hear that response a picture comes to mind. It is a painting by my mother which depicts an old, rust-eaten, narrow gate leading into a beautiful garden, full of colorful flowers. The gate seems to be waiting for someone to push it open.
Jesus seems to imply in His response that there will be some people who considered themselves “well-got and friendly” with Him, whom He will turn away, despite their protests.
On the other hand, people will come from all over the world to recline at table with Him.
I think that it is a valid interpretation of His response to assume that He is subtly, or not so subtly, telling His listeners (and ourselves) that they (we) will be surprised, if not shocked, to see people whom they (we) had already judged and sentenced to hell, taking their place at His banquet table.
May our focus be on pushing the narrow gate open by absorbing the life-giving words and imitating the merciful actions of Jesus.
Let’s all remember that it’s not enough just to keep calling His name, when all the while He has been calling us to action.
He has invited each of us to recline at His banquet table. Let’s make sure that we follow His directions to that narrow gate.


Fr. Paul

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