Our 2024-2025 First Communion registration is closed.

Are you registered in our Parish?

Before registering your child for Communion, please ensure your family is registered in our Parish. Join the Parish >

Program Overview

We welcome you and your child to a blessed year of preparation for First Communion and First Reconciliation.

Our Faith Formation program offers Holy First Communion and First Reconciliation for baptized children in grades 1st–4th. The Diocese of Monterey’s guidelines for First Communion require a two-year preparation period, typically beginning at age six, or first grade. The program runs from September to May each year.

Our first-year First Communion/First Reconciliation class is open to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students. Once this first year of Faith Formation is completed, they will be able to participate in our second-year program specific to First Communion/First Reconciliation. Attending weekly Mass is part of the journey and is expected.

All students, public, Catholic school, or homeschool, prepare together for First Holy Communion and Reconciliation. Since we all belong to the same parish, we hope to promote a sense of community within our class. We do follow local school schedules the best we can, with some variation to accommodate school breaks. Thank you for encouraging this unity with your child. We are all the Body of Christ.


Registrations for 2024–2025 is now closed.  To register your child(ren), please watch for a registration announcement in our Parish bulletin. Forms and more information regarding the 2025–2026 year will appear in this section once registration is open. Please follow the registration directions, and we will follow up with you once the registration is received.

When We Meet

The program is offered from September to May on the first and third Sunday mornings for one hour.

Registration Fees

First Communion registration fees: $240. If you are facing financial hardship and need to set up a payment plan, please reach out to us. No one will ever be denied participation in our programs for financial reasons.

Faith Formation Volunteer Opportunities

Catechist Teachers Needed!


"Love cannot remain by itself - it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action and that action is service." - Saint Teresa of Calcutta

The Ministry of Faith Formation is in need of additional Catechist Teachers. Confirmation and First Communion classes meet for an hour and half, twice a month. Training and guidance will be given for all volunteers.

If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a Faith Formation volunteer in our Parish, please contact our Coordinator, Jessica Ortega, at faithformation@carmelmission.org for more information.


Top Reasons to Become a Faith Formation Leader

You will grow in your own faith, learn the teachings of the Church, and deepen your relationship with Jesus.

Your Baptism calls you to share in Jesus’ ministry.

Children, teens, and adults in today’s world, more than ever, need to hear the Good News of Jesus.

Children, teens, and adults in today’s world, more than ever, need to encounter good role models of faith.

You have much to share with those you’ll teach, and you’ll have opportunities to share faith with other Faith Formation volunteers.

Today’s resources offer outstanding support.

You’ll be challenged, you’ll have fun, and you’ll make new friends.

You'll be helping the youth of our Parish deepen their relationship with Jesus.

You’ll be handing on a 2000-year-old tradition that changes lives.

It’s our job: Jesus sent us to “go and teach all nations.

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Contact Us – First Communion

If you are new to our program or have any questions, please fill out the contact form below, so we can put you on our contact list. You can also call Faith Formation Coordinator Jessica Ortega at 831.624.1271, ext. 303.

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Volunteer Catechist Teachers Needed!

The Ministry of Faith Formation is in need of additional Catechist Teachers. Confirmation and First Communion classes meet for an hour and half, twice a month. Training and guidance will be given for all volunteers.

If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a Faith Formation volunteer in our Parish, please contact our Coordinator, Jessica Ortega, at faithformation@carmelmission.org for more information.