Pastor’s Weekly Message 1-24-21

Dear Friend of Carmel Mission,

This Sunday we celebrate “Sunday of the Word of God.” This celebration is a gift to us from our Holy Father, Pope Francis, who in his Apostolic letter “Aperuit Illis” instituted the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time to be the Sunday of the Word of God. In Pope Francis’ own words from this letter, “Devoting a specific Sunday of the liturgical year to the word of God can enable the Church to experience anew how the risen Lord opens up for us the treasury of His word and enables us to proclaim its unfathomable riches before the world.” Jesus demonstrated that the Word of God is spiritual nourishment when He appeared to His assembled disciples after His Resurrection, broke bread with them and “opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” (Luke 24:45)

One of the practices we developed at Carmel Mission through our video prayer messages during this time of the COVID pandemic is Lectio Divina. This very ancient form of studying and praying the Scriptures came into new prominence with the Second Vatican Council. The practice of Lectio Divina allows us to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, using all our senses to enter into the Scriptures in a visceral way, and opening our hearts and minds to the power of the Holy Spirit. If you are interested in learning more, and perhaps in practicing Lectio Divina with me, I invite you to view the Lectio Divina Prayer Messages on our website or our YouTube Channel.

As I reflect on the Gospel in the light of this focus on God’s word I am struck by Jesus’ words in Gospel, “ Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” This invitation to Simon, Andrew, James and John, , is the same that is offered to each of us. Being a follower of Jesus Christ requires us to cast the net of God’s great mercy with patience, with perseverance, and with untiring love. Thank you for participating in this crucial work at Carmel Mission. Thank you for making the Word of God alive and active in your life.

I wish you and your loved ones continued blessings of good health, new hope and the inspiration of God’s word,

Fr. Paul

Please take a moment to read our Carmel Mission weekly bulletin.

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