Pastor’s Weekly Message 10-20-19

Dear Friends of Carmel Mission,

Our front cover this week features a photograph of our St. Junípero Serra Prayer Garden. This is a place to which I often go, after another busy day at our beautiful Carmel Mission. I sit on a bench and think about St. Junípero, sitting or standing in the same location many years ago.

I find this garden to be such a peaceful place to sit and pray as the recycled water flows in the fountain, which we have recently restored. It is amazing to me just how many people are drawn to this sacred space. I have met people from all over the world in this Prayer Garden. Some have shared with me their prayer request, be it for someone who is unwell, a new job, the healing of a relationship, . . . the list is endless.

Don’t we always have a list of people and things for which we pray? I know that I certainly have a long list. We are so blessed at our beautiful Mission to have numerous places to pray, both indoors and outdoors.

At times, when I’m seemingly lost in prayer, I’m distracted by the arrival of a hummingbird who comes to draw strength and sustenance from the flowers that adorn the Prayer Garden. I love those hummingbirds and marvel at their movements.

They are like angels to me, bringing a message from God to remind me that all my prayers are heard. I truly believe that no prayer goes unheard or unanswered.

Have you visited our Prayer Garden recently?

There is a garden bench awaiting your presence, the wondrous sound of the water fountain, the hummingbird bringing joy and hope, but more importantly, the divine presence in this sacred space waiting to hear and answer your prayers. Come and visit the place where it all began…


Fr. Paul

Please take a moment to read our Carmel Mission Weekly Bulletin.

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