Pastor’s Weekly Message 11-7-21

Dear Friend of Carmel Mission,
It is encouraging to discover that our Catholic tradition of the Sunday collection has truly ancient roots, as we learn in today’s Gospel reading. We find Jesus with His disciples “opposite the treasury.” This was an courtyard like area in front of the temple with thirteen trumpet -shaped receptacles to receive alms for temple upkeep, just like our Maintenance Fund! As there was no paper money at the time, it was the largest and most abundant of coin offerings that made the most noise and reverberated throughout the courtyard broadcasting the generosity of the donor.

Jesus takes this opportunity to teach His disciples about how God, unlike human beings, calculates generosity. It is the poor widow, whose offering seemed meager and made little noise as she dropped it in the treasury, who gave the greatest gift. She prioritized God’s House and gave likely more than she could truly afford to its care.
We can never repay God for all His blessings, or even for just one. Whatever we offer of our time, our talent and our treasure pales in comparison to God’s abundance in our lives. Fortunately for us, God does not seek our contributions for Himself. God’s desire in encouraging our generosity is two-fold, to further our relationship with Him, and to provide for the poor and needy in our world who are near and dear to His heart. When we invest of ourselves in our relationship with God we demonstrate our resolve to prioritize that relationship above all others.
We are fortunate here at Carmel Mission to have such a generous community who regularly give of time, talent and treasure in support of God’s Kingdom. One such ministry is our Falge Farmworker Project. They will be back this year with the Giving Tree in the Advent season to support our brothers and sisters in the Salinas Valley. Please stay tuned for more information on this wonderful opportunity.  I know we can rely on your continued generosity.
I wish you and your loved ones continued blessings of good health, renewed hope and great peace,

Fr. Paul

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