Pastor’s Weekly Message 5/20/18

Dear Friends of Carmel Mission,

This weekend we celebrate the wonderful feast of Pentecost, remembering how the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire. The Apostles experienced a phenomenal change as a result of the Holy Spirit. They went from being people locked in a room because they feared for their lives, to fearless proclaimers of the Good News of Jesus Christ. They preached a message that everyone could understand. Language barriers disappeared!

Nothing would ever be the same again. They were now prepared to give their lives for the One who suffered, died and rose again for us all.

Pentecost is the birth of the Church. So a very Happy Birthday to all! Here at Carmel Mission, it is also the day when twenty one of our young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The very same Holy Spirit that was given to the Apostles, will be given to our young disciples. Please pray for them today.

As we celebrate Pentecost, I pray that each of us will make more use of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and thereby make our world a better, more loving place.

Fr. Paul

Pastor at Carmel Mission

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