Pastor’s Weekly Message 9-26-21

Dear Friend of Carmel Mission,
Jesus makes a simple but very profound statement in today’s Gospel when he tells the disciples, “Whoever is not against us, is for us.” (Mark 9:40) The disciples are engaged in the very human practice of taking and assigning sides. It is often our inclination to approach people and situations, especially ones with which we are unfamiliar or uncomfortable, in an adversarial way. Jesus has an different perspective. For Jesus, the person doing mighty deeds in His name is doing His will.
The person is no threat to Jesus’ authority or supremacy. If he did not believe in Jesus, he would be powerless. Though they do not realize it, he is also no threat to the disciples. Indeed, their own mission and mandate is made easier by another follower of Jesus out doing the work of the Kingdom. Our flawed human nature tends towards jealousy and envy of others, where we want to keep things for ourselves, for our team. Jesus offers the antidote to this mentality when he encourages the disciples to assume the best, not the worst, of another.
Imagine if the world operated as Jesus does. Imagine if nations, factions and individuals worked from the belief that we share a common interest in that which is good. Would we have war and conflict? Would we be so quick to see the ways in which we differ rather than the ways we are the same? Would it be so easy to disregard the need of our fellow humans if we believed they are on “our side?”
This is the world our loving God wants and envisions for us. A world where we can let go of fear and both freely offer and receive genuine hospitality,  the cup of water to which Jesus refers in the Gospel. This week I invite you to join me in reflecting on the ways we as individuals. and as a community of faith, can better live out Jesus’ call to inclusion and openness.
I wish you and your loved ones blessings of good health, new hope and great peace,

Fr. Paul

Please take a moment to read our Carmel Mission Weekly Bulletin.

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