Pastor’s Weekly Message 10-17-21

Dear Friend of Carmel Mission,
As I read the Gospel today I could not help but think that Jesus must have been experiencing a “Groundhog’s Day” moment with His disciples. He had been trying for weeks to explain to them what awaits Him in Jerusalem as well as the true meaning of His mission and their discipleship. Despite his efforts James and John remain fixated on the idea of His coming glory, a tangible victory, and their place in it, hopefully at His right and left hands. The other ten disciples’ indignation is based more on their fear of being displaced than their awareness of the inappropriateness of the brothers’ demand.
Fortunately for the disciples, and for all of us, it is as the Letter to the Hebrews says; Jesus is fully aware of the failings of our human nature. He understands the human inclination to self-interest. He patiently tries, again, to show the disciples that true greatness lies not in power, prestige or authority but rather in humble service to one another.
Last weekend we had our first events to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the founding of Carmel Mission. This remarkable milestone caused me to reflect on the life and the work of our founder and first pastor, St. Junipero Serra. St. Junipero embraced God’s call to service with an open and loving heart. He encountered his fair share of suffering, both personal physical suffering as well as the many challenges presented to him in the New World. He understood the paradox of Jesus’ Good News, that to share in His glory is to share in His suffering, and never let this embitter or discourage him.
This is the legacy that we carry forward here at Carmel Mission. I invite you to join me this week in praying that we are granted the wisdom and the strength to chart a future for our community that continues the vital work of welcome that St. Junipero began 250 years ago.
I wish you and your loved ones continued blessings of good health, new hope and great peace,

Fr. Paul

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