Pastor’s Weekly Message 9-10-22

Dear Friend of Carmel Mission,

In the Gospel today Jesus’s parables give us insight into the nature of our loving God. One aspect of God’s nature is the relentless manner in which He loves humanity. Human nature being as it is, it would be understandable for God to throw up His hands sometimes and leave us to our folly. Jesus asks the rhetorical question, “Who among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it?” If we are to answer that question, we might look at Jesus in astonishment and say, “No one would ever do that. That makes no sense.” But God’s love is rather irrational, because it is merciful.

The parable of the Prodigal Son captures the parental nature of God’s relationship with His children. God gives to us generously, including the freedom to make mistakes, to turn away from Him. But God never gives up on us, even when we stray. God is always ready for us to make the slightest turn back towards Him, to then come running to greet us, welcome us home, and shower us with His abundant love. This love is not something we earn, it is a free gift to the world, born out of the very essence of who God is.

God’s nature is reflected, however imperfectly, in our human relationships. One such is the bond we share with our parents. I hope that, like me, you are or were fortunate enough to have close, wonderful relationships with your parents, whether they are still with us on earth or have gone home to heaven. When we consider a parent’s love for a child we see a glimpse of how God loves – completely, irrationally, relentlessly. Biologically, this love is initially needed for the continuation of the species, but hopefully it grows into so much more, and becomes a window into the beautiful, intimate relationship God invites us to share with Him.

I wish you and your loved ones blessings of good health and new hope. Please continue to pray for peace in our world,

Fr. Paul

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