Pastor’s Weekly Message 6-20-21

Dear Friend of Carmel Mission,
We have much to celebrate this weekend! Today we celebrate Father’s Day, the official beginning of summer, the lessening of COVID restrictions in California, and last but certainly not least, the return of our Carmel Mission Choir to the 11am Mass!
We have been eagerly anticipating the lessening of restrictions, which will allow us to gradually return to more of our usual activities. After so much uncertainty and anxiety during the pandemic, it is wonderful to consider the bright future ahead. While we embrace the possibilities of a reopened California, we remain aware of the continuing grave threat posed by the pandemic worldwide. We will continue to pray for all those affected – those mourning the loss of loved ones, and those who are risking their lives to care for their communities. For more information on reopening details here at Carmel Mission, please visit our website,, where you can view or read our Reopening Advisory.
In the Gospel today Jesus commands the wind and the sea, “Quiet! Be still!” (Mark 4:39) While His words are literally a rebuke of nature’s wrath, I always feel they have a further meaning. Jesus could also be talking to the disciples, who are allowing fear, however natural, to overwhelm their trust in God’s protection. Sometimes I feel those words directed to my own anxious heart. In Psalm 46 it says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10). In that simple command God invites us to a place of peace, of comfort, and of support.
When I remember my own Dad, gone home to God for some time now,  I associate many of the same qualities to his loving presence in my life. I am grateful for his encouragement and his support, as well as his comforting protection, which was a living reminder of the protection offered to each of us by our loving Father in Heaven.
I wish all fathers a most blessed father’s day, and all of you continued blessings of good health, renewed hope and great peace,

Fr. Paul

Please take a moment to read our Carmel Mission Weekly Bulletin.

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