Pastor’s Weekly Message 8-11-19

Dear Friends of Carmel Mission,

In times of grief, in times of senseless violence, in times of tragedy, in times of helplessness, many people turn to faith.

When what is happening around us seems beyond our control, many people
turn to God.

In our readings this weekend, the author of the Letter to the Hebrews describes faith as “the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.”

Faith enables us to look beyond what we see with our eyes and to believe that the good things for which we dare to hope, will one day become a reality.

Faith is not a fable nor a fantasy that promises us “pie in the sky when we
die”. It is rather a reality rooted in the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. As St. Paul wrote, if there is no Resurrection, then our faith is in vain and we are most to be pitied (1Cor.15:13)

Faith is also a call to action, and this is where it can become difficult for us. Jesus has chosen us to be His faithful followers and that requires a commitment on our part to adopt His attitude to life and to espouse His value-system.

It implies that we are willing to make our world a better place by the actions
we take in our daily lives.

There is much darkness in our world, but if each of us were to light a candle
for justice, truth, peace and harmony, the world would be a brighter and
a better place.

Jesus Christ is our Light, today and every day.

Fr. Paul

Please take a moment to read our Carmel Mission Weekly Bulletin.

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